Women in Law, Breaking Down a 360 Deal
CLE Jill H. Berliner · March 22, 2020
On Monday, March 22 at 4 PM PT | 7 PM ET, Partner Jill Berliner will participate in a panel discussion hosted by Women in Law and Girls Behind the Rock Show entitled Breaking Down a 360 Deal. The panel will include four powerful game-changing women who are turning the tide for women in entertainment law: Jill, Dina LaPolt of LaPolt Law, Brittney Cox of Atlantic Records and Elektra Music Group,…
Rimon’s Complimentary CLE Webinar Series 2020
CLE Joseph I. (“Joe”) Rosenbaum · Jeffrey A. Fromm · Mark H. Mirkin · Marc Kaufman · Mark Diamond · Geoffrey Perusse · Jennifer Dasari · Frank Vargas · Michael Vargas · March 21, 2020
Welcome to Rimon’s Complimentary Annual CLE Webinar Series which will be held each Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm ET. Each course is presented by a Rimon Partner with extensive subject-matter experience. CLE credits: These programs are approved by the CA State Bar for 1 hour of CLE credit for each course. NY bar members are…
Rimon’s Complimentary 2019 CLE Webinar Series
CLE Mark S. Lee · Joseph I. (“Joe”) Rosenbaum · Michael Vargas · Frank Vargas · December 21, 2018
Welcome to Rimon’s Complimentary Annual CLE Webinar Series. Each course is presented by a Rimon Partner with extensive subject-matter experience. Read more about our team. CLE credits: These programs are approved by the CA State Bar for 1 hour of CLE credit for each course. Certification is pending in NY, but NY bar members are also eligible for…
Complimentary CLE Webinar: Law and Behavior: Ethics in Deception before the PTO, AIA Proceedings and Enforcement Presentations – Recording
CLE December 21, 2018
(1 CLE Credit and 1 Ethics Credit) Inequitable conduct before the USPTO and the Courts continues to be significantly ongoing. Ethics in this arena and subject is a substantial concern. Here presented is the present evolution of the problem and the historical basis for the reasons, results and unexpected remedies for such improper behavior, legal…
Complimentary CLE Webinar: State and Local Taxation: Headline News and Trends – Recording
CLE December 20, 2018
(1 CLE Credit and 1 CPE Credit) In this fast-paced presentation, David A. Fruchtman (chair of State and Local (Subnational) Taxation at Rimon P.C.) analyzes the most important developments in multistate and local tax legislation, case law and administrative pronouncements nationwide. Topics covered are determined based upon current developments. Prior presentations have addressed tax presence, federal legislation, state…
Complimentary CLE Webinar: Copyright and Trademark Law: The Uncomfortable Interface – Recording
CLE Mark S. Lee · December 20, 2018
(1 CLE Credit) Copyright and trademark law both create different federal rights that provide different terms of protection. Some courts have a difficult time evaluating when (1) both are or should be available to a plaintiff in litigation, (2) the ownership of one constitutes a defense against infringement of the other in litigation, and (3)…
Complimentary CLE Webinar: It All Ads Up: Advertising, Promotions & Celebrity Endorsements in a Digital, Mobile, Social & Augmented World – Recording
CLE Joseph I. (“Joe”) Rosenbaum · December 20, 2018
(1 CLE Credit) Every company around the world advertises, markets and promotes its business. While legal and regulatory compliance is always best served by lawyers with experience and expertise in this area, understanding basic principles and recognizing key issues are valuable skills for every counselor and business person. No longer limited to print, radio and television,…
Complimentary CLE Webinar: Corporate Governance Issues Related to Mergers and Acquisitions of Delaware Corporations – Recording
CLE Michael Vargas · Frank Vargas · December 20, 2018
(1 CLE Credit) The Delaware law related to fiduciary duties of Directors involved in a merger or acquisition is a hotly litigated subject. This CLE will discuss the general fiduciary standard for Directors and the heightened standard of a merger or acquisition. Presenters: Frank Vargas, Financial Services and Corporate Partner and Michael Vargas, Financial Services and Corporate…
Complimentary CLE & CPE Webinar: Overview of US State and Local Taxation
CLE April 27, 2018
Companies coming to the US from foreign countries must not only consider the US federal tax system but also consider the different taxing systems of the 50 different US states. These different tax systems can be a critical factor to determine in which state to base US operations and influence how business is conducted. This…
Content Governance and Management in the Era of Big Data: A Road Map to the Risks and Opportunities – CLE Webinar Recording
CLE May 25, 2017
Clearly defined accountability for ownership and management of records and content has become an imperative. This hour-long webinar provided a crisp, comprehensive view of the obligations and opportunities of boards, executives and managers to control risks and take advantage of opportunities in the era of Big Data. Presentation provided by Rimon’s Head of the Information…