
Rimon’s John Isaza quoted by Corporate Secretary and CCH on IRS’s claim that hack into taxpayers’ records was not a data breach.

Insights June 9, 2015

Rimon Partner John Isaza, head of information governance and records management practices, believes that the unlawful access to taxpayers’ prior-year tax return through the app ‘Get Transcript’ is not necessarily a data breach.  ‘It’s more an issue of taking the hacking to the next level,’ he says.  They’ve been collecting all this data by hacking and now that they’ve collected it, they’re in the new frontier: mining for assets from vulnerable sites.’

Isaza goes on to discuss several steps that companies and other organizations need to take to prepare for, and respond effectively to, these new threats.

You can read the full Corporate Secretary article here, and you can read the full CCH article in the June 4, 2015, issue number 23, Federal Tax Weekly newsletter.