Entries tagged “information governance”
Why assigning responsibility for content is a corporate imperative.
insights March 5, 2017
In this op-ed, Rimon’s Records and Information Governance Partner, John Isaza discusses the importance of having an in site records and information management strategy. Mr. Isaza explains why companies have to be cautious about the content that is released and associated with them as it might be erroneous, inappropriate, outdated, non-compliant, infected with viruses or…
Can paper records that have been imaged then be destroyed? MER Conference, Chicago
events May 24, 2016
In this session, John Isaza will discuss why imaged records are just as admissible as original paper records based on: The Federal Rules of Evidence and state equivalents, Case law, and A plethora of federal and state statutes and regulations. There is no legal foundation or rationales for retaining the great majority of imaged original paper…
Information Governance and the Updated FRCP – Speed, Proportionality, Preservation and Ethical Challenges
events February 4, 2016
Over the past two decades, the corporate world has witnessed dramatic proliferation in the volumes of, and storage capacity as to, data. With advances in technology, changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, an unexpected ruling in a European high court about the Safe Harbor program, and the rapid advancement of the Internet of…
E-mail mismanagement and its legal repercussions in the United States
insights December 1, 2015
Learn the legal ramifications of poor e-mail management in the United States with this article published in Information Management magazine. In the United States, could a person really go to jail for destruction of e-mails? Are there any cybersecurity repercussions for comingling personal and work e-mail accounts? How can organizations find out if an executive…
John Isaza talks to InformationWeek about How to Avoid Information Governance Pitfalls
insights October 8, 2015
Rimon Partner John Isaza was quoted in InformationWeek’s article entitled 7 Ways To Avoid Information Governance Pitfalls, saying “some organizations don’t know where to start, so they bury their heads in the sand hoping it goes away, or they’ll wait until they get burned and then they’ll do something. And if they get burned, they may say we need…
Rimon’s John Isaza quoted by Corporate Secretary and CCH on IRS’s claim that hack into taxpayers’ records was not a data breach.
insights June 9, 2015
Rimon Partner John Isaza, head of information governance and records management practices, believes that the unlawful access to taxpayers’ prior-year tax return through the app ‘Get Transcript’ is not necessarily a data breach. ‘It’s more an issue of taking the hacking to the next level,’ he says. They’ve been collecting all this data by hacking…
Rimon Partner John Isaza talks to both Fox News and Information Week about legal ramifications of Hillary Clinton’s use of private emails
news March 25, 2015
As the story of Hillary Clinton’s use of an outside email server during her tenure as Secretary of State turned into a national issue, Rimon partner John Isaza became a key source for reporters looking for an authority on information governance and record management issues. John was quoted by Fox News and Information Week for his thoughts. Read…
John Isaza Appointed Co-Chair of ABA Social Media Subcommittee
news February 9, 2015
Rimon, P.C. is pleased to announce that Partner John Isaza has been appointed Co-Chair of the Social Media Subcommittee of the ABA Business Law Section’s Cyberspace Law Committee. Along with co-chair Valerie Surgenor, a renowned privacy attorney in Europe from the law firm MacRoberts LLP out of Scotland, he has been tasked with developing recommended policies…
Rimon’s John Isaza featured in TechTarget: RIM likely to lead strategy as privacy compliance becomes a priority
insights December 10, 2014
John Isaza, head of Rimon’s Information Governance and Records Management Practice, was recently interviewed by TechTarget editor, Ben Cole. He shares insight on the changing role of records and information management professionals as businesses increasingly prioritize privacy compliance. This interview originally appeared in TechTarget. You can read it at the original source here. By Ben Cole, Site Editor of TechTarget Privacy has become a top…
Proposed FRCP Changes: Effect on eDiscovery, RIM & IG (CLE)
November 13, 2014
The Supreme Court is expected to approve a proposed set of revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), which would go into effect by December of 2015. Are you ready for those changes? In this program, Rimon Partner and renowned Information Governance, Records and Legal Holds expert, John Isaza, will walk the audience…