
Advanced Records Retention

Events February 8, 2016

As the amount of data and records increases exponentially, organizations are struggling to manage data not only to stay compliant, but also to avoid huge litigation costs and possible sanctions for the disposition or disclosure of personally identifiable data. This live webinar will teach the intermediate to advanced audience how to create and maintain a legally defensible records retention program.

The program is designed for all those who understand the seriousness of this issue, and have already started to tackle the problem. The course will:

  1. Define the foundational blocks needed for a legally defensible records and information management program
  2. Describe the elements needed for the creation of a records retention schedule
  3. Discuss the application of the Information Lifecycle Model to all data, and not just records, as a proposed method for disposition of redundant, obsolete or trivial (ROT) data
  4. Introduce best practices for developing an advanced record retention program. Participants will receive a retention schedule template for Human Resources and Tax records.

For more information and to register, pelase click here

Audience: Finance, HR, Compliance