Post-trade Challenges in OTC Derivatives Clearing
October 2, 2015
DerivSource is hosting a two-part series on OTC Derivatives Central Clearing to explore both pre-trade and post-trade challenges in derivatives clearing. Following our Feb 8th webinar, we will host a webinar on “Post-trade Challenges in Derivatives Clearing” on Feb 16th. You can register now for the event on the 16th of Feb. Speakers will be announced shortly. Register…
Live webinar on Advanced Records Retention
August 6, 2015
Rimon Partner, John Isaza’s 100 minute live streaming program will teach the most recent record retention laws. It will teach you how to create a legally defensible records retention program as the first line of defense in the event of an audit, litigation or other inquiries. To find out more about the Webinar, and to…
Rimon Partners John Isaza and Yaacov Silberman to present at LegalTech West Coast
Yaacov P. Silberman
July 13-14, 2015
Two Rimon Partners will be presenting at the upcoming Legaltech West Coast conference, to take place on July 13-14, 2015 in San Francisco, CA. LegalTech is a premier legal technology conference hosted by ALM Media. John Isaza, FAI, will participate in a panel titled “The New Big Bang: 21st Century Information Governance Challenges”. The panel…
Rimon’s Ashley Dymond Speaks on Cloud Security and Managing Risk at AIJA’s Semi-Annual Conference in Belgium.
May 28, 2015
On May 28th, 2015, Rimon’s Ashley Dymond, spoke on an international panel of young lawyers about the various risks and liabilities associated with cloud security on a global stage. Ashley was part of a panel comprised of corporate lawyers, specializing in data privacy, from Austria, France, and Greece. The panel discussed best practices for multinational corporations, focusing on cloud computing…
Rimon’s COO Talks About Innovations in the Law Firm Model at The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics
Yaacov P. Silberman
April 30, 2015
On April 30, 2015, Rimon’s co-founder and COO Yaacov Silberman spoke at the FutureLaw conference at Stanford University, hosted by The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics (CodeX). Yaacov was part of a panel of law firm innovators discussing their experience in developing or adopting technologies that enhance their legal services for their clients. The panel also…
Rimon Partner Stephen Trachtenberg presents at Annual Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race Dinner
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg
April 23, 2015
AccelerateDC’s Boost Your Startup: How to Protect Your Intellectual Property
November 23, 2014
Join Rimon’s Paul Economon on Tuesday September 23, 2014 as he shares his insight on the protection of intellectual property in the early stages of an entreprenureal venture. AccelerateDC is kicking off a Boost Your Startup speaker series this month with a panel discussion on how to protect every entrepreneurs’ money maker: Intellectual Property. For entrepreneurs, intellectual property, especially in the…
Webinar – Alternative Law Firms and Service Providers
Michael Moradzadeh
Yaacov P. Silberman
November 13, 2014
Presentation by Rimon, P.C. CEO, Michael Moradzadeh and COO, Yaacov Silberman Evolutions in technology, the economy and business culture are forcing a change in the legal industry. Rimon’s CEO and COO will share how Rimon and other alternative legal services companies are changing the way lawyers practice law and how clients are ultimately the ones…
CLE Webinar – Proposed Federal Rules Changes: Impact on E-discovery, RIM & Information Governance Programs
November 11, 2014
Presentation by Rimon, P.C. Partner, John Isaza The Supreme Court is expected to approve a proposed set of revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), which would go into effect by December of 2015. Are you ready for those changes? In this program, renowned Information Governance, Records and Legal Holds expert, John Isaza,…
Rimon’s 2014 Complimentary CLE/CPE Webinar Series
Michael Moradzadeh
Yaacov P. Silberman
November 11-21, 2014
Rimon’s 2014 CLE webinar series covers a wide variety of topics relevant to today’s legal climate. In the first week, we will explore the effects of changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure with Partner John Isaza and dive into exciting changes in the law firm model with CEO Michael Moradzadeh and COO Yaacov Silberman.…