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Rimon’s Litigation Finance attorneys help clients achieve success in virtually any type of commercial litigation and arbitration.

The attorneys in Rimon’s litigation finance team implement and structure litigation finance agreements at all stages of business disputes, from inception through trial, appeal, and enforcement.  Our attorneys ensure that proposed financing arrangements do not violate champerty, maintenance, and usury laws.

Our clients provide working capital, risk management solutions, and strategic support to companies involved in legal disputes. Proceeds are typically used to fund the legal fees and expenses but also often to provide working capital to the client.  On the law-firm side, our clients provide working capital and risk management solutions for law firms with portfolios of large contingent-fee cases. The proceeds can be used to smooth and accelerate cash flows from their cases, provide more efficient funding of the out-of-pocket costs of their cases, and free up resources to expand their caseload.

Rimon Attorneys With Expertise in Litigation Finance Include: