Judy Deng
Judy Deng practices corporate and securities law, with an emphasis on the representation of international social networking, entertainment, digital media, software and medical technology companies. Ms. Deng has extensive experience counseling private companies with international operations in various stages of growth and advising institutional investors in complex cross-border transactions involved with such companies. Ms. Deng counsels clients in cross-border restructurings and reorganizations, financing, mergers and acquisitions, executive and employee incentive programs, and strategic intellectual property transactions. Judy’s clients include world-leading interactive entertainment and digital media companies.
Prior to joining Rimon, Ms. Deng was a Partner of the San Francisco offices of an AmLaw 100 law firm.
- SelectUSA Investment Seminar at Bio International Convention
- Association for Corporate Growth San Francisco
- Bay Area Young Tax Attorneys
- Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs of U.C. Berkeley
- External Counsel of the Year, Asia-Mena Counsel (In-house Community), 2013
- Winner of “Turnaround Deals of the Year” $25 million to $100 million category, M&A Advisor, 2017
- California State Bar Association
- New York State Bar Association
News, Events, & Insights
- Panel Discussion – Startup Founders Compensation, Employee Stock Option and U.S. Market Entry – A Refresher
Events January 6, 2023
- [Live] How Dealmakers Need to Think About CFIUS
Events September 15, 2022
- Rimon Law welcomes International Corporate Attorney Judy Deng as Partner in its Menlo Park office
News February 12, 2020