Entries tagged “cle”
US/EU Data Privacy Update – CLE Webinar Recording
insights February 1, 2017
Presentation provided by Rimon’s Corporate and International Trade Attorney Jill M. Williamson together with Claire Walsh of Cannings Connolly, London. The webinar covered recent developments in data privacy, in both the US and EU, giving special attention to the new EU Data Protection Regulation and the effect of Brexit on implementation, US Safe Shield, HIPAA, CANSPAM and other US Privacy…
Social Media: Legal Ethics and Records Considerations – CLE Webinar Recording
February 1, 2017
Presentation provided by Rimon’s Head of the Information Governance & Records Management practice John Isaza Esq. FAI Social Media presents a host of challenges for organizations, not the least of which include its impact on legal ethics and records retention considerations. In this course, John Isaza presented from excerpts in a book to which he contributed and…
What’s New Pussycat? A Hot Update on IRS Disclosure Issues for 2017 – CLE Webinar Recording
February 1, 2017
Presentation provided by Rimon’s Federal, State and International Tax Partner Melinda Fellner Bramwit It has now been seven years since the launch of the first of the IRS offshore voluntary disclosure programs allowing taxpayers to come forward voluntarily to fix their unreported income issues and un-filed Fincen 114 (formerly “FBAR”) issues. In this Webinar, Melinda reviewed the…
2016 Ethics Review – CLE Webinar Recording
Yaacov P. Silberman · February 1, 2017
Presentation provided by Rimon’s Founding Partner and COO, Yaacov Silberman In this webinar, Mr. Silberman took a look back at the ethics opinions relevant to business lawyers issued by the states of New York, California, Texas, Illinois and Florida, as well as the ABA, in 2016. Topics covered included confidentialy, conflicts of interest, collecting fees, and more. This…
Rimon Law’s 2017 Complimentary CLE Webinar Series
Yaacov P. Silberman · November 8, 2016
All presentations are offered by key Rimon Partners with robust experience in each field. All our attorneys come from top ranked and premier law firms, international corporations, and academia. Our last presentation will be offered by Rimon’s Founding Partner and COO, Mr. Yaacov Silberman. CLE Webinar Dates and Descriptions Recent Developments in Anti-Corruption Law and Enforcement…
Ethical Legal Practice in 2015: CLE Video
Yaacov P. Silberman · November 10, 2015
This presentation recaps some of the more “modern” legal ethics opinions of 2015 – those dealing with contemporary issues such as e-discovery, social media, lawyer-rating sites, virtual practices, and the representation of marijuana dispensaries. The presentation covers ethics opinions on these and other subjects issued by the State Bars of New York, California, Illinois and…
Fee Shifting in Patent Litigation: Past, Present, and Future: CLE Video
November 10, 2015
atent litigation is expensive. Most cases settle because it is less expensive to pay a royalty to the patent owner (often a “patent troll”) than it is to litigate. But for those who choose to fight and then win, chances have improved to recover fees and expenses from the patent owner. In this webinar, we…
CLE Webinar – Ethical Practice in 2015
Yaacov P. Silberman · November 6, 2015
Presentation by Rimon Partner and COO Yaacov P. Silberman. This presentation will recap some of the more “modern” legal ethics opinions of 2015 – those dealing with contemporary issues such as e-discovery, social media, lawyer-rating sites, virtual practices, and the representation of marijuana dispensaries. The presentation will cover ethics opinions on these and other subjects issued by…
Live webinar on Advanced Records Retention
events August 6, 2015
Rimon Partner, John Isaza’s 100 minute live streaming program will teach the most recent record retention laws. It will teach you how to create a legally defensible records retention program as the first line of defense in the event of an audit, litigation or other inquiries. To find out more about the Webinar, and to…
CPE/CLE Webinar – State and Local Taxation: Headline News and Trends
November 21, 2014
Presentation by Rimon, P.C. Counsel, David Fruchtman In this fast-paced presentation, David Fruchtman (chair of State and Local (Subnational) Taxation at Rimon P.C.) analyzes the most important developments in multistate and local tax legislation, case law and administrative pronouncements. Topics covered will be determined based upon current developments. Prior presentations have addressed tax presence, federal…