
House Passes Changes to Carried Interest Taxation

Insights June 10, 2010

On May 28th, the House passed H.R. 4213, the “American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act.” The Act addresses an array of issues, but has particular signficance for certain partnership and LLC “carried interests” for investment fund managers. If it goes through, the Act would prevent investment fund managers of venture capital, private equity, hedge and real estate funds from paying taxes at capital gain rates on investment management services income received as carried interest in an investment fund.

Under the proposed changes, return on invested capital in the form of carried interest would continue to be taxed at capital gain tax rates. But to the extent that carried interest does not reflect a return on invested capital, investment fund managers would eventually be required to treat seventy-five percent of the remaining carried interest as ordinary income.

The proposed changes would not take effect until 2011. However, for the bill to become effective it must also be passed by the Senate, an outcome which is not certain to occur.