CLE Webinar – Records and Information Governance: The Legal Landscape
CLE September 17, 2013
Video from John Isaza’s CLE webinar on the Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (the “Principles”) and other foundational components of information governance from September 17, 2013. In this course, participants will learn about the Principles, and how they can be used to leverage defensible disposition of unnecessary data, while keeping their clients and their own firms compliant with legally defensible policies, procedures and overall practices. Upon conclusion of this webinar, participants will have a firm grasp on requirements for basic records retention and information governance principles, take away a list of Information Governance standards and best practices, and be able to avoid the commonly occurring pitfalls that lead to spoliation sanctions
This course has been produced by a California accredited MCLE provider. California accredited online/self-study CLE courses are not recognized in every jurisdiction, and courses may only be valid for a certain term after their creation. Please check your jurisdiction for applicable rules