ARMA’s Generally Accepted Record Keeping Principles – Utah Spring Workshop

The future of Records and Information Management continues to evolve and expand rapidly. This full-day workshop will focus on utilizing ARMA’s Generally Accepted Record Keeping Principles, and the Principles Marturity Model to assess the health of records and information management programs. Join Rimon’s John Isaza in learning the tactics and strategies for improving their program…

2013 Annual Requirements for Investment Advisers Registered with the SEC

Investment advisers registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) have certain annual requirements under the U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”). Some of these requirements may also apply to “exempt reporting advisers” or warrant consideration as best practices. This memo summarizes certain annual regulatory and compliance obligations, including a…

Mandatory Clearing of OTC Derivatives

Mandatory clearing will be phased in over the first three quarters of 2013. Market participants trading certain interest rate and credit default swaps will be required to comply by March 11, 2013. Regulated entities such as swap dealers and major swap participants must comply in this first phase; buy side firms that meet the definition…

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Extends Compliance Date for Dodd-Frank Protocol

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Extends Compliance Date for Dodd-Frank Protocol to May 1, 2013 in Order to Give Market Participants Additional Time to Adhere. Buy side market participants received a holiday gift from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) – compliance deadlines for the business conduct and documentation rules (the “Business Conduct Rules“) related to the…

Technologies for eLawyering

By eliminating wasteful real estate costs and investing in client-facing technologies, these lawyers and law firms are delivering excellent, efficient and innovative legal services to their clients. Technologies that have been locked down behind law firm firewalls are being moved into the cloud.